nfl draft

NFL Draft (MM #2955)

Today kicks off a big weekend for football fans. It’s NFL Draft weekend, and that’s good news for many. Normally I’d look forward to the hoopla that surrounds the draft. But not this year. Because this year, the NFL Draft is in Nashville, literally…

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The Straw (MM #2931)

We’ve all heard the phrase, the straw that broke the camel’s back. And that made me wonder if we can actually predict that an event will cause that back breaking. I realize that this sounds obtuse, but let me try to explain…

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Prime Time (MM #2227)

This time of year is the prime time if you’re a sports fan. Now the NFL may not be playing, but they are getting ready for the draft. The NBA and NHL are in their playoff season while the MLB and NASCAR are in full swing…

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