
Emotions (MM #4451)

Scientists have been studying human emotions for years. And there are many thoughts and misconceptions that they have found. Some people think that our emotional behaviors get imprinted; at birth. But the research proves otherwise. How we share our emotions or lack thereof, can change. They are constantly evolving, and this is something that each…

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Anger And Fear (MM #3366)

Two of our most basic emotions are anger and fear. And today I pose the question, could these two emotions also play a huge role in what causes hatred? I know that I’m oversimplifying things, but…

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So Many Emotions (MM #3358)

Over the last week, people across America have been through so many emotions. Many feel angry, helpless, even hopeless. Sadly these aren’t new problems we’re dealing with. They have been around for a long, long time..

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Showing Emotions (MM #2742)

How people handle emotions has always interested me. Some people have no problem showing emotions while other are completely mute. Me, I’ve always been an emotional person….

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Overly Emotional (MM #2416)

I feel like I’m getting more emotional as I get older. In fact, at times I’m becoming overly emotional. Now I’m not sure if this is just part of getting older or our world right now is the cause…

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Feelings (MM #2410)

As I’ve scrolled through Facebook recently I’ve noticed a ton of people sharing their feelings. Now I know that we all feel things, but are we all really feeling what we feel?

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Favorite Teams (MM #1926)

Yesterday we talked about how social media often causes us to magnify our feelings about topics. We definitely see than when rooting for our favorite teams. Sure, it’s easy get excited about our favorite sports when we’re sharing online. And that really happens when our favorite teams are winning…

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