
Teens With Guns (MM #4716)

After the news came out about the Kansas City Chiefs championship parade tragedy, Like many, I was shocked to learn that they arrested two teenagers for the shootings. I shouldn’t be surprised that was the cause. Teens with guns have become a significant problem across the U.S. In Nashville, we’ve already had 20 students bring…

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Skip Scanning (MM #4674)

The retail world struggles to figure out how to keep the store experience alive; with so many people moving to online shopping, retailers need to develop new ways to remain profitable. As discussed in previous episodes, self-checkout has been one-way stores have cut costs. But it’s increasingly becoming an issue. In recent months, a new…

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Buying Gift Cards (MM #4658)

Buying gift cards could be a simple solution if you’re out doing some last-minute Christmas shopping. Sure, you could put more thought into the choice, but if you’re like me, you’re tired of fighting the crowds. Experts warn us that criminals have recently increased their focus on gift card theft. But they’re not stealing the…

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Locked Away (MM #4619)

Retail theft has been an issue for a long time. During uncertain economic times, crime increases. And while solo shoplifters were once the biggest concern, now stores are fighting organized theft rings. Big box stores have secured items like razor blades and cold medications for years, but now some stores are starting to keep things…

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Shoplifting (MM #4604)

Over the last couple of years, there’s been a lot of discussion about an increase in shoplifting across America. You’d likely think that it’s plagued big cities more than smaller ones. And while the crisis is a problem in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco, it’s also a challenge for smaller…

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Retail Theft (MM #4453)

Retail theft continues to rise at a rapid rate. One grocery store chain in Maryland says they’ve seen a ten-fold jump in shoplifting over the last five years. We’ve discussed the increasing number of organized crime rings, and it seems no one has found a way to slow down the criminals. In recent years stores…

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Latest Scam (MM #4433)

Every time you turn around, you have to be on the lookout for some new issue. The latest scam we must watch for involves the self-checkout at big box stores like Walmart. Does it surprise you that everyone wants to make a fast buck? So now, not only do we have to check out and…

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Street Racing (MM #4396)

While Nashville remains one of the fastest-growing cities in America, we’re experiencing many growing pains. We have your typical issues, like traffic congestion. And our crime rate continues to rise at a rapid pace. But we’re also dealing with an issue I haven’t heard about in other cities. We have a street racing problem…

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Gun Ownership (MM #4331)

Every time we have mass shootings in America, people question why they’re happening with increasing frequency. Experts point to a rise in gun ownership for one of the reasons. With more firearms in circulation, the potential for any crime rises. We’re living in stressful times, and when you look at the increasing gun sales, it…

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