common sense

Spacing (MM #4562)

We all have quirks. Some of them even turn into pet peeves. As I drove to work the other day, I realized that I often consumed myself with spacing. While driving, I obsess over the space between cars as they go down the road. And the spacing between vehicles at a stoplight will often have…

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Clean Your Phone (MM #2881)

Smartphone use is increasing every day. So I would think that it would be common sense that you clean your phone often. But this may surprise you, but most people don’t…

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Gullible Or Cynical (MM #2332)

There seems to be less common sense in our world today. You’re either gullible or cynical. Whatever happened to somewhere in between?

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A Thought On Common Sense (MM #1092)

Common sense; it’s one of those things that most people say you’re either born with it, or you’re not. But is that really true?

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Common Sense (MM #36)

I’ve always been told that I was an intelligent person, but more importantly I’ve always been told that I was blessed with common sense.  To me, having common sense is waaaaaaaaaay more important…

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