mason minute

Watching TV (MM #4782)

Throughout my life, I’ve spent a lot of time watching TV. Many people my age can say the same thing. Growing up, I sat in front of the TV before I went to school and then came home and did the same thing. I still watch more than most people. But in recent years, it’s…

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Front Porch (MM #4781)

About this time every year, our front porch looks like a war zone. For some reason, barn swallows return to our neighborhood yearly to build nests and have babies. Without fail, these birds try to make their nests on top of the pillars that frame our front doors. We’ve tried to keep the birds away…

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Stump The Schwab (MM #4780)

I love trivia. And I’ve always loved watching sports trivia shows on TV. The first show I remember is Sports Challenge starring Dick Enberg back in the 1970s. Over the weekend, I was reminded of another one of my faves from the early 2000s. The show was called Stump The Schwab. ESPN’s Stuart Scott was…

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4-Day School Week (MM #4779)

For years, there’s been discussion about the advantages of a 4-day work week. It was something that Bernie Sanders campaigned on when he ran for President in 2020. Since the pandemic, more companies have tried it, but the jury is still determining whether it will ever become the norm. But this week, an Indiana school…

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Waffles (MM #4778)

I’ve got a craving for pancakes, but I might have waffles instead. While I prefer pancakes, I have a Waffle House down the street and may settle for that. There are other places I can go to get pancakes, but they’re further away, and their pancakes just aren’t that good. While I like Waffle House,…

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Hardware Store (MM #4777)

I’ve got a few household projects that I’ve been putting off. So, it’s time to visit the hardware store and get them done. Hopefully, they won’t be too difficult. I used to love those honey-do chores. But there’s a big difference between doing them when you own versus when you rent. They’re small projects, so…

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My Phone (MM #4776)

I love technology, and usually, I’m an early adopter. But when it comes to my phone, I hate buying a new one. Some people always want the latest and greatest iPhone or Android. But I like to hold on to mine as long as I can. I still use an iPhone 7, but I know…

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Space Junk (MM #4775)

For decades, the International Space Station has been orbiting the Earth. It’s been up there so long that many people don’t even think about it. But what would you do if something broke off the space station and fell back to Earth? The odds of that happening are close to impossible. But it has happened…

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Wage Equality (MM #4774)

For as long as I can remember, people have discussed the difference in the salaries of men and women doing the same job. While strides are being made, for many, more is needed. Will wage equality ever happen in our lifetime? I don’t know. The topic has been a big part of the news cycle…

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Attention To Detail (MM #4773)

Attention to detail is a vital skill set to possess and master. You have to continually work at it even if you’re good. And if details aren’t your strength, you need to surround yourself with people who can take care of it for you. Over the last couple of days, I’ve witnessed examples, both good…

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